5 Reasons Why You Should Opt for Roller Garage Doors

Posted on: 19 February 2019


Are looking for a perfect garage door? If so, there is no need to overwhelm yourself with the different types of garage doors available, settle for roller garage doors.  By choosing garage roller doors, you'll have a smart, stylish and contemporary door for your garage. Going by their name, they roll up vertically, forming a small coil at the top of the garage. At the top of the door, there's a steel box where the rolled up coil is hidden, giving a neat and simple look. 

Below are reasons why you should opt for roller doors for your garage.

1. Automation Option

By choosing roller garage doors, you always have the option of installing automatic motors on the hinges to make it automatic. Therefore, by a press of a button, you'll be able to open and close your garage door.

2. Noise Reduction and Insulation Properties

As mentioned earlier, roller doors come with a double layer of steel. This provides insulation for the garage as it maintains heat within the garage.  In addition, the double layer of steel stops noise from inside the garage from getting out. This means that you can comfortably repair or service your car inside the garage, without disturbing the peace of the neighbourhood.

3. Increase Usable Garage Space

Considering roller doors open upwards in a single file into a lean steel box, they are ideal for a short driveway or a small garage.  Also, you can maximize your overhead ceiling space by putting cabinets for your tools, as the roller door won't take up your ceiling space'. 

4. Secure and Safe

Burglars find it easier to break into houses using garage doors. However, roller garage doors are made mainly of a double layer of steel, making them hard to penetrate.  Moreover, they are fitted from inside, meaning their rolling and shutting mechanisms are from inside, making it more secure. A home burglar won't have locks or padlocks to break open with this impenetrable door.

Roller doors come with safety features such as anti-fallback systems to make sure that they can't roll back on you or your car.

5. Smooth Opening

By rolling upwards when opening and downwards when closing, roller doors offers a smooth transition in and out of your garage. With little interference, chances of frequent repairs are significantly reduced. In addition, minimum effort is required to use these doors, hence, no need to visit a gym in order to operate one.

With proper maintenance, roller garage doors are beneficial to your property and may serve you efficiently for a significant period. Therefore, schedule a visit to your preferred garage door dealer for more information, installation, repairs and maintenance.