4 Things To Keep In Mind When Shopping For A New Residential Garage Door

Posted on: 26 February 2019


Getting a new residential garage door is quite the investment in itself, as you want to ensure you get a garage door that is functional and will last a long time. Your new garage door can also drastically improve your curb appeal, and that is why you should get one that is aesthetically appealing.

When looking to buy a residential garage door, here are a few pointers to always keep in mind

1.    Choose The Material Carefully

For the material on your residential garage door, you have several options including aluminium, steel, wood, and vinyl, among others. Each of these materials has its own benefits, and you should weigh the pros and cons of each material to help you choose the best one for your home.

Some of the factors to carefully consider include the cost, durability, weather-resistance, ease of cleaning and maintenance, longevity and much more.

2.    Garage Doors Can Look Good

Your residential garage door need not look so drab. Is yours a traditional or contemporary style home? Garage doors come in different styles and you when shopping around for one, you should go for a new garage door that fits well with your style. You are also free to choose from a wide range of colours for your door.

If you use the garage as more than just a parking space for your vehicle, then choosing a style with windows will make the area more comfortable and leave your residential garage door looking good.

3.    Think Of Energy Efficiency

Your choice of a residential garage door greatly impacts how much you pay every month in utility bills. When looking at new garage doors, consider the R-value of the door. A garage door with a high R-Value, although pricier at first, will pay for itself in reduced energy costs because such a door is very energy efficient. The higher the R-value, the more energy-efficient your residential garage door.

4.    Check The Warranty

If the new garage door is a replacement for an old one that had to go because of damage, then you can appreciate the value of a solid warranty. Before buying a new residential garage door, and getting an installation company to set it up, be sure to check the warranty terms. Check the types of damage covered in the warranty, and how long you will be covered.

With these and more tips, you can look forward to getting new garage doors that are just right for your home.